Production brand

Mrs. Landis told us we had to create our own production brand and she recommended a software called "Blender". I tried it at first but it was to complicated to work out. It started out with a shape and it was just to confusing. I tried to watch the tutorial but it had some features that I didn't have. So in the end I just used a editing app called "Capcut", which can be download on phone, and it was much easier to use. 

The Process

We needed to come up with a name for our production, a original name. We came up with the name "JAVA Studios", we came up with "JAVA" by putting the first letters of our names together.

While create the production brand, I thought of putting a black screen for the background and chose the right font that would go wit it and make it red. Finally, I looked up a music for the production brand and did the animation that would match the music.

This is the final product:


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