
My group decided that the film will take place at a park. While deciding we picked Windmill park, which is a close park by our school. We chose this setting because it is a common place where kids go and play and fits perfectly with the setting we were trying to find.

Windmill Park:

The people acting in this opening film are the people in our group: Anjolee, Valeria, and me. Juliana will work with the camera. We all decided to keep the actors in our own group. The considerations of our schedule are that we all choose a day everyone can go for as long as they can. For example, we chose Saturday because no one is busy on that day. Actors will be prepared by practicing beforehand and putting on costumes for set. 

Our film would look like an realistic situation happening so the viewers can experience it like they are actually there, feel the emotion of the characters, and hear how the characters express their emotions. I'll achieve it by putting the correct mis-en-scene in the opening scene

The sound we will record is dialogue. We will use the sound in camera. 


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